

Did you know...

  • Boxer John ('Jack') Knifton became Champion of England when he was 21 years old
  • Lieutenant Colonel John Henry Knifton served in the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada
  • Brothers Charles & James Knifton went to war and never returned home

Discover more about these and other KNIFTONs here, using the navigation links above to browse various information about KNIFTON family members. In many cases further detail is available by email.


About this website


This website is part of my one-name study of the KNIFTON surname and is intended to be a reference and contact point for people interested in the KNIFTON family tree and family history. Information is regularly added to the site and my aim is to provide verified factual data, such as birth or marriage dates, and to include more personal insights into the lives of various KNIFTONs, such as photographs, signatures, and family biographies.


Do you know any of these KNIFTONs?


During recent research I came across documents mentioning these people. However, I have been unable to place them on the KNIFTON family tree. If you are a descendant of any of these people or know anything about them I would be very pleased to hear from you.

  • Albert Knifton - Leicestershire Corps, regimental number 42874
  • Albert E Knifton - RHA, regimental number 17216
  • Alderman Charles Henry Knifton CBE
  • Brenda Lois Knifton (née Meeks) 1953-2017
  • Charles H Knifton - RE, regimental number 228947
  • Charlie Knifton - RGA, regimental number 69376
  • Constance M. Knifton 1938-1963
  • Edward Knifton - LAA, regimental number 1828608
  • Ernest Knifton - NKH, regimental number 81263
  • Francis Knifton 1803-____ (born Stafford; transported)
  • Frederick Knifton - Leicestershire Corps, regimental number 49557
  • J Knifton - regimental number 45061
  • John Knifton - Rifle Brigade, regimental number 2699
  • John Knifton - RA, regimental number 172363
  • Joseph F Knifton - C Guards, regimental number 15593
  • William Knifton - East Surrey Corps
  • William Knifton - Derbyshire Yeomanry, regimental number 760



Any newspaper articles, birth, marriage, death certificates, old photographs, or other information referring to or depicting a KNIFTON. Often these documents get thrown away during clear-outs but I will be happy to digitally archive and safeguard them for future family researchers. Also, if you come across any KNIFTON memorial which is not included in this website please let me know.


If you are a KNIFTON or a KNIFTON relative please contact me. Although I have managed to trace several branches to KNIFTONs now living in England, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and the United States, there are still many open ends. I would like to hear from you if you have an interest in our family history or are a KNIFTON descendant. With your help the origins of the KNIFTON family tree branches can be traced. Please contact me at the email address below.


Other surnames which I have traced to the KNIFTON family tree include:


Abbott, Adams, Aldred, Allan, Allen, Allsop, Alton, Anderson, Annable, Anthony, Archer, Asher, Atkins, Atley, Backler, Bacon, Baker, Bailey, Bainbridge, Baldwin, Ball, Barfield, Barnett, Barr, Barron, Barua, Bates, Baxter, Beales, Beeson, Belfield, Belkins, Bell, Benn, Bennett, Best, Birkin, Bish, Blaza, Blood, Boddington, Bone, Booth, Botham, Boulton, Bounds, Bourn, Bown, Box, Boyes, Braidley, Bray, Braysher, Bridges, Briggs, Brindley, Brookes, Broughton, Brown, Buckeridge, Buckley, Bunten, Burrows, Butler, Byard, Calder, Callan, Cameron, Carmichael, Carrick, Carter, Cave, Chamberlain, Chandler, Charlton, Chilcott, Clarke, Clay, Cliff, Coe, Cole, Collier, Collington, Collison, Condon, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Corbett, Cowlishaw, Cox, Craig, Crane, Cree, Cresswell, Crooks, Crump, Crutchlow, Davidson, Davies, De Sa, Deadman, Dearlove, Dexter, Dickinson, Disney, Donald, Doran, Draycott, Duck, Duffield, Duke, Duncan, Dunlop, Earby, Earfield, Edgley, Eley, Elkin, Ellis, Eminson, Emmerson, Everett, Farmer, Felstead, Fern, Fewkes, Finney, Fisher, Fitches, Flamson, Fleming, Flinn, Follows, Ford, Fountain, Fox, Frearson, Freeman, Freeth, Frost, Garner, Gay, Gennip, Gerrard, Giles, Gill, Glasspool, Gordon, Gow, Greasly, Green, Gregory, Greig, Haggis, Halpin, Hampton, Hardwick, Harlow, Harris, Harrison, Hartwell, Harvey, Hattersley, Hawkins, Hawkesworth, Hay, Hayes, Hayward, Healey, Hemington, Henderson, Hewitt, Hibbett, Hickling, Hind, Hitchcock, Hobday, Hodgetts, Hodgson, Holdcroft, Hollingworth, Holmes, Holt, Holwell, Hookham, Hornbuckle, Horner, Housley, Hudson, Hughes, Hunt, Illsley, Inman, Jackson, James, Johnston, Jores, Kebbell, Keeling, Kidd, King, Knight, Knowles, Knudson, Lamb, Land, Lander, Langford, Langham, Lawford, Lawrence, Leaver, Leibitch, Lewis, Lockwood, Longbone, Lynam, Lythcoe, Madge, Maidment, Mallabar, Mallam, Mannen, Mansfield, Marriot, Marshall Guttridge, Martin, Mathers, Matthews, Maxfield, Maxwell, May, McCaroll, McGuckin, McGuire, McKenzie, McKinlay, Mee, Miall, Middleton, Miller, Mills, Mitchel, Morley, Mount, Muggeridge, Mullaney, Musgrove, Needham, Nelson, Nichol, Noonan, Oakley, Oldham, Oliver, O'Ray, Osborne, Ottey, Overton, Paphan, Parker, Parkinson, Passmore-May, Peat, Peers, Pegg, Pennington, Perkins, Pettefar, Platts, Pilcher, Piper, Pixler, Powers, Poyser, Prebble, Price, Prime, Prince, Proud, Race, Radford, Ratcliffe, Reach, Reid, Revill, Reynolds, Roberts, Robinson, Roden, Romanis, Rowson, Rudkin, Rushton, Russell, Sabine, Sadler, Sansome, Saunders, Savage, Scott, Seaward, Shallcross, Shardlow, Sharpe, Shaw, Shilton, Simmons, Simms, Slater, Smith, Snape, Spare, Spares, Sparrow, Spencer, Starling, Stephenson, Stevens, Stocker, Stockley, Stokes, Story, Strauss, Surrell, Symonds, Tapping, Thomas, Thompson, Thornewill, Tomlinson, Towers, Travis, Tucker, Tutley, Twinam, Tyler, Underwood, Upton, Vaisey, Vallis, Van Gennip, Verity, Vetsch, Vine, Waldman, Walker, Wallis, Walster, Wanless, Ward, Webb, Webber, Welch, West, White, Whittaker, Widdas, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Winkler, Winsor, Wood, Woodhouse, Woods, Woodward, Wright, Yates.




